The city of Philadelphia recently released a code bulletin (A-2204) on December 19, 2022, outlining the important details surrounding the submission of Periodic Inspection Reports. Architects and developers in Philadelphia are expected to be aware of these changes and ensure compliance.
Periodic Inspection Reports
A notable change outlined in this bulletin is the requirement for all buildings to undergo a periodic inspection every five years. These inspections are to be conducted by an inspector that has been approved by the city and will assess the overall condition of the building, including its structural integrity, accessibility, and fire safety systems.
The bulletin also contains a clarification of the process for submitting Periodic Inspection Reports. Reports are now required to be submitted electronically, via the city's online portal, within 30 days of the inspection. Additionally, any deficiencies that are identified during the inspection must be corrected within 90 days and a follow-up inspection must be scheduled to verify that the corrections have been made.
Another significant change is the inclusion of new accessibility requirements. All buildings are now required to be inspected for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA). This will ensure that all common areas, such as entrances, exits, and elevators, are accessible to people with disabilities.
Overall, code bulletin A-2204 serves as an important step toward ensuring the safety and accessibility of buildings throughout Philadelphia. Any professionals that may be involved in a construction project in the city, such as architects or builders, should take the time to review the bulletin and make sure they have a strong understanding of the requirements.